Toujiang Film Festival Organizer's Manual

How can I complete the judging process through “Toujiang”?

Through “Toujiang’s” judging system, you could complete all the process of film submission, judging and selection on the platform. When films are submission to your film festival, you can allocate judges to each film through “Judging Management” → “Corresponding Units.” Judges will then see the films assigned to them on their accounts and can score them online. It is worth noting that to streamline the judging of films collected through all channels on “Toujiang,” you can also important external orders for unified judging.

You can customize the scoring method for your film festival or use the default 4-point scoring mode. When judges feel that film scoring cannot be quantified, they can also use “Amazing” (green) and “Not Considering Now” (orange) labels, unique to “Toujiang” to evaluate films. After judges have reviewd the films, you can view their score on the judging panel and use this panel to filter films that will proceed to the next round or be selected.

*If you need assistance while using the judging system, please contact: