Toujiang Film Festival Organizer's Manual

How can I import external orders?

To enable you to uniformly review films collected from various channels, we have developed an external import feature for the judging system. You could use "Judging Management" → "Corresponding Units"→ "Import External List" to perform the import. The imported films will fully support the entire review process.

It is important to note that when importing, you need to provide a spreadsheet in xlsx, xls, or .csv format, and the system will prompt you with the required fields in the spreadsheet. If you did not collect some of this information during the external film collection process, you could fill in uniform information to meet the system’s upload requirements.

Additionally, since the externally imported film files are not uploaded to the “Toujiang” server, judges will be directed to a third-party page to view the films, and after viewing, they can return to the corresponding “Toujiang” page for scoring.